When is it issued?
A long-term residence visa is issued to a foreigner who wishes to establish himself continuously or permanently in the Republic of Bulgaria.
Duration of stay
Long – stay visa valid for up to 6 months and entitled to residence for up to 180 days is issued to a foreigner who wishes to settle continuously or permanently in the Republic of Bulgaria. Long – stay visa valid for up to one year and entitled to Residence of up to 360 days can be issued to foreigners who perform research or are students in training programs for up to one academic year, trainees or trainees, foreigners seconded by a foreign employer to perform specific tasks related to the control and coordination of the implementation of a contract for tourist services, as well as for foreigners posted from a foreign employer to make investments certified under the Investment Promotion Act.
The long – stay visa entitles you to multiple entries the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria within the term of its validity. The long – stay residence visa shall be canceled upon issuance of a permit residence by the bodies for administrative control of foreigners.резултати от SEO
Where to apply?
The application for a long – stay visa is submitted only in the diplomatic missions and consular posts of the place of residence of the applicant or in those representations which are accredited to the State of the permanent residence of the applicant. Persons legally residing in a third country other than the country of their permanent residence may exceptionally submit application in that third country after justifying the reasons, and if their return to the country of residence is guaranteed.
Requirement for an interview with the candidate
When applying for a long-stay visa interviews with the candidate is mandatory. Exceptions are not allowed.
Documents submitted by the applicant
When applying for a long-stay visa the candidate submits the following documents:
- Visa application;
- Regular document for travel abroad;
- Copies of the pages of the document for travel abroad with personal data and with the visas and / or photocopies of the permits held for residence;
- Current color photo – passport format;
- Documents substantiating the application for a long – stay visa, under the Law for the foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria and of the Regulations for implementation of the FRBA, as well as documents on the financial resources held for maintenance and shelter – originals and copies of them.
Other requirements
To obtain a long-term residence permit, individuals must have provided housing, compulsory health insurance and insurance, sufficient means of subsistence without recourse to the social assistance system, can amount not less than the minimum monthly salary or the minimum pension according to the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria for the period of residence.
Initial application
Upon initial submission of an application for a residence permit, the persons over 18 years of age, excluding stateless persons, are required to also present a criminal record issued by the state of which they are nationals, or by the country of their habitual residence.